Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 29--Having All We Need

Dare: To Choose Contentment in Your Relationships

We will have thousands of relationships in our life-time. Some close, life-long. Others brief, for a specific purpose at an appointed time. How I choose to view my relationships is a daily occurrence. I need to remember Paul's encouragement to be content in all circumstances.

Philippians 4:4-19
In the midst of "situations", I must keep my focus on what Jesus wants me to do. I can't control what others will do, but I can decide in advance how I am going to behave. God's ways are not man's ways. Sometimes it seems odd to operate by the Word's direction. But it is always for our betterment, a closer relationship with Him and others.....and Satan hates it. Satan is the father of lies and loves chaos, confusion and strife. Jesus worked toward peace, love, joy of the Holy Spirit....contentment. This life is a journey in which we are never promised tomorrow. So let's make the most with what we have be blessed with--let''s share our lives through peaceful relationships.

Today's truth is speaking to me.....
     Keep building relationship when the opportunity presents itself.

God is asking me to.....
    Rise to the challenge. Through Him I am able to overcome any obstacle.
Be wise with boundaries, guard my words and heart. Let go and LET GOD!

My challenge is to.....
   Let things drop into Jesus' hands.
   Move forward from hurts, don't get stuck in people's junk. Sometimes I can love too much--care too much.

"Today's Prayer--
    Lord you are perfect, and I put my trust in you. I am learning that my disappointment can be used as your appointment for personal growth, shaping and maturing. May your will be done in the story of my life. You supply my every need--physical, material, emotional, spiritual. Thank you."   (pg. 220)

Philippians 4:19  " My God will supply all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Today I believe......

"God is aware of my need for his strength to be accepting of and content with people who are different from me, upset with me, annoy me, or otherwise push my buttons."(pg.220)

It's difficult to believe we are sharing our final day of Faith Dare tomorrow. Cheers to a blessed day looking up--giving thanks and living out.

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