Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2

Ok-- Day 1 accidentally posted under comments.
DAY 2:  Follow the Leader Dare to Pay Attention to God's Lead

               On pg. 53, "It's easy to do things that come naturally to us. But it's not so easy to lay down our wil and follow God into areas that are difficult or unnatural to our reasoning, feelings, or habitual ways of living."

 This hit home with me today. As I am leaving for some lab work for more screening to be a donor for a bone marrow recipient I am reminded how it is more natural to say, someone else is better suited for this. Really God, you have matched my chemical make-up to share with another? It took an unction last summer to participant with Be The Match Foundation from a young child in our church who needed a transplant match. It wasn't a match there but today I will be one step closer to share a very intricate part of who God create me to be, with another woman. The point is it took a step--forward motion, to pay attention to God's lead last summer. The opportunity wouldn't have been there, if two years ago I hadn't of responded to an e-Harmony match with my husband Mark. Which led me to resend my Wyoming Teaching Credential application process-yes, I was on my way to Wyoming when Mark and I met. Ok, you can stop laughing now. I have lived on a farm-Green Acres Darling. If I hadn't of listen to the leading of the Lord and taken that leap of FAITH--( believe me it was), to stay in CA and marry Mark and relocate to Livermore and attend a new church and act on the nudge to participate in Be The Match, I would not be where I am this morning. There has been so much in between it blows my mind, but God's leading has led to some amazing growth, friendship, heartache/healing, stretching, knowledge and TRUSTin Him. God's ways are not man's ways.

Pg. 27,  "Faith is....living in confident trust and certainty that God is who he says he is. It is living what God's Word says about his ways rather than what my eyes, senses, or emotions say about each situation, circumstance, and daily challenge in this life." I desire to live out THIS life: a life of FAITH.

Pg. 56, The top paragraph listed 5 basic questions-check them out.  I asked the Lord "What are you asking me to do today?" I read some scripture, I thought about the truth there, waited on the Holy Spirit to penetrate my impatience and I then heard a still small voice. "do not grow weary, for in due season you shall reap a harvest." God is faithful to complete that which HE has started.
So lead us this day that you have made Lord....help us be obedient to your leading no matter what it looks like on the outside appearances. We want to serve you Lord with our whole heart.

So--off to the lab I go!


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