Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 1-- Welcome to the Faith Dare Journey!

Greetings Everyone!

As I have mentioned in one way or another; Debbie Alsdorf, author of The Faith Dare is a friend and colleague also desiring to 'Living Life to the Fullest'. I am thankful she was obedient to pen her thoughts and experiences to positively impact our culture. I am just as thankful you have followed your instinct to participate in this 30 day journey.

This is going to be such an amazing time for all who come expecting something unique to happen amongst family and friends.....I am obviously anticipating tremendous movement in my world with the bond of 'faith' amongst our group this coming month.  Initiating a blog is new for me--so have patience and feel free to throw hints my way. Apparently my horizons are broadening in the 'tech department'....which is funny for those who really know my abilities.

Welcome to the Challenge!
I am so glad you have decided to join in; what ever the reason. Some are accepting a challenge to grow as a woman, some are linking with other family members to demonstrate unity. While others are joining in for a breakthrough at this point of your life---"something has to change" and you have decided God has called you to be the conduit of His changing power. Believe it or not.... at the conclusion of this book we are all going to have intentionally participated in something amazing.
Buckle your seat belts.....God's taking us for a ride!

Soli Deo Gloria