Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 28--Live Unselfishly

Dare to Seek Another's Best.

"A stripping of selfishness seems to hit most in our relationships with other people. God created us for relationship, so it makes sense that he strips us and changes us the most while we are in relationships."(page 210) So true. God is always working in and through us, because He loves us. Change is a must throughout life. The sooner we learn that principle, situations will become easier and more fruitful.

Luke 6:27-31 gives us direction for practical application. After you read it.....ask God to strengthen you to walk it out. I am having to pray for large doses of this strength right now.  Debbie writes a brief summary of this passage on page 212. I'm summarizing even more:
*Love them
*Do good to them
*Bless them
*Pray for them
*Give to them
Do to them what you would want them to do to you.
Sometimes we are able to see what would benefit someone else when they aren't able to see it clearly themselves. I am glad I have friends who share, call me out, and seek God's best for me; even when it's something I don't really like at the moment. Those are truly the ones who love you with the love of Christ.....they understand it is the Truth that sets us free. It is their selfless act of true friendship which is a treasured gift.

Today's Truth is speaking to me.....
   Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.....I NEED YOU LORD!
This isn't always easy....although I know it crucifies my flesh.

God is asking me to.....
   Guard my heart, but love in practical ways. Remember, as I am offering practical ways to love others and they reject me...they are really rejecting the love Jesus is sending their way through others. It goes back to the beginning. God uses relationships.....when we are in a selfish mode, we often isolate and feel sorry for ourselves. So I choose to love in practical ways the Holy Spirit directs and I will continually choose to love--even when its difficult--in your face difficult.

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